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Supercharge Your Business with these ten tips

Supercharge your business

Supercharge Your Business: Proven Strategies for Success

Maintaining momentum and driving growth can be challenging. However, with the right strategies in place, you can supercharge your business and achieve remarkable results. 

Here are ten practical tips to help you navigate each business quarter with purpose, vision, and the courage to elevate your business to new heights.

1. Use Technology

Embrace technology to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and improve reporting and accountability. Utilise the best apps to reduce paperwork and automate processes where possible.

Research and implement software solutions that cater to your specific business needs, such as project management tools, CRM systems, and accounting software. Stay updated with technological advancements and continually seek ways to integrate them into your operations.

At First Class Accounts Ovens & Murray and Busy01 Consulting, we can help your business by integrating the most effective apps tailored to your needs. 

2. Eliminate Distractions

Time is the most precious resource for any business. Many owners find themselves bogged down by distractions and focusing on non-essential tasks. To combat this, be decisive. Reduce standard meeting times, cut down on unnecessary administrative tasks, and delegate whenever possible. By doing so, you'll create more time to focus on what truly matters.

Implementing productivity tools like time-tracking apps can help you identify and eliminate time-wasting activities. Additionally, consider setting specific times for checking emails and notifications to avoid constant interruptions. Creating a daily or weekly priority list can also keep you on track and ensure that you're focusing on high-impact tasks.

3. Say Goodbye to Bad Customers

Some customers may drain your resources without providing significant value in return. If feasible, identify and phase out ten time-wasters, late payers, or troublesome clients. This will not only relieve stress but also allow you to allocate your resources more effectively.

Conduct a customer analysis to identify which clients are profitable and which ones are not. Use metrics such as customer lifetime value (CLV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC) to make informed decisions. By focusing on high-value customers, you can improve your overall profitability and customer satisfaction.

4. Invest More

With the time and mental space gained from the first two steps, allocate resources—time, key personnel, and money—toward strategic initiatives. Passionately redeploy these resources to drive significant improvements in your business.

Consider investing in employee training and development programs to enhance their skills and productivity. Explore opportunities for upgrading your equipment or expanding your product line to meet market demands. These investments can lead to long-term growth and a competitive edge.

5. Get a Plan

Operating without a plan is like embarking on a journey without a map. Develop a robust planning process, create a comprehensive business plan, and ensure its execution.

Include measurable goals and timelines in your plan to track progress effectively. Regularly review and adjust your plan based on market changes and business performance. Incorporate contingency plans to address potential risks and uncertainties.

6. Reconfigure

Don’t let unmotivated or incompatible employees hold you back. If someone isn't a good fit, consider parting ways to free up their future and make room for someone who aligns better with your business goals.

Implement regular performance reviews and provide constructive feedback to help employees improve. Offer opportunities for skill development and career advancement to retain top talent. A positive and motivated team can significantly impact your business success.

7. Value Add

Avoid stagnation by focusing on activities that add value. Aim to make a meaningful impact through your work, ensuring that it brings real value and significance to your clients.

Engage with your customers to understand their needs and preferences. Develop new products or services that address their pain points and exceed their expectations. Consistently delivering value can lead to increased customer loyalty and referrals.

8. Be Different

Stand out from the competition by positioning yourself as unique. Attract ambitious, growing, and engaged clients and employees by breaking the mould.

Identify your unique selling propositions (USPs) and highlight them in your marketing efforts. Foster a culture of innovation and encourage your team to think creatively. Differentiate yourself through exceptional customer service and a strong brand identity.

9. Deploy Marketing

Develop a straightforward marketing plan to enhance your reach and market penetration. Dedicate a percentage of your revenue to marketing efforts and ensure online engagement is a core component.

Leverage digital marketing strategies such as SEO, social media marketing, and email campaigns to reach a broader audience. Monitor and analyse your marketing performance to identify areas for improvement and maximise your return on investment.

10. Ask for Referrals

Actively seek out referral relationships to attract high-quality customers. Networking and word-of-mouth can be powerful tools in driving business growth.

Establish a referral program that rewards customers for referring new clients. Build strong relationships with complementary businesses and explore partnership opportunities. Regularly request feedback from your clients to ensure their satisfaction and encourage referrals.

Supercharge your business

By implementing these ten tips, you can supercharge your business and achieve sustainable growth. Stay focused, be proactive, and continuously seek ways to improve and innovate.

Ready to take your business to the next level? 

At First Class Accounts Ovens & Murray, we provide tailored bookkeeping, payroll and advisory services to help you implement these strategies effectively. Contact us today to learn how we can support your journey to success and supercharge your business!

Cloud accounting

Digging deeper into cloud accounting

Digging deeper into cloud accounting

If you’re managing a small business, the chances are that you’re using one of the current crop of cloud accounting platforms. Whether your chosen software is Xero, QuickBooks or MYOB, these online accounting tools are now the standard for business accounting.

But are you exploring the full benefits of your cloud system?

The basic benefits of running your finances in the cloud

Not so long ago, business owners were reliant on paper ledgers and manual accounts to understand their financial performance and cashflow position. Thankfully, accounting technology has moved on in leaps and bounds in the past two decades.

The average business owner will almost certainly be using some form of cloud accounting to manage their finances. And the advantages of the cloud don’t just lie in the convenience and easy access of being able to do your bookkeeping in the online space.

Whatever cloud platform you’re using, you get:

A simple, straightforward way to record all your transactions

Every sale, purchase and expense is recorded in your cloud accounting software, with some of this record-keeping process even happening automatically, using tools like Dext Prepare.

A real-time view of your finances

Instead of your accounts being weeks, or even months out of date (as in previous decades), you now have an almost instantaneous view of your profit and loss (P&L), cashflow position and expenses.

An easy way to collaborate with your advisers

It couldn’t be easier to invite your bookkeeper, accountant, tax adviser or business coach into your accounts. In the cloud, you can all access the same numbers and have one point of truth for all your financial metrics.

Going beyond the basics of your cloud accounting platform

Managing your bookkeeping and accounts with cloud accounting software gets the job done. But the reality is that you could be doing so much more besides. If you’re just using your cloud accounting to do the accounts, you may just be scratching the surface of the potential value.

Here are just a few of the deeper benefits:

A growing ecosystem of add-on apps

Most of the big players in the accounting space have sizable app stores, where you can choose from hundreds of different ‘add-on apps’ and integrations. These apps add different functionality to your basic accounting system, allowing you to add automated bookkeeping like Auto Entry, debtor chasing with Chaser or an expenses management app like Expensify.

Extensive forecasting and scenario-planning

There are plenty of sophisticated forecasting tools that integrate with your cloud accounting. Tools like Spotlight Reporting, Float, and Fathom all allow you to extrapolate your cash numbers forward in time. And because these forecasts and projections are based on your own historic and real-time data, you can be sure that they’re based on solid information that’s a sound basis for your future planning, cash management and business decision-making.

Job management and industry specific apps

A helping hand with your operations and project management is always going to be welcome. Most app stores will have a wide selection of industry specific apps, that help you manage the operations in your specific business sector. This might be Tradify for tradies and contractors, Re-Leased for property managers, or Dentally for dental practices.

A fully integrated tech stack to manage your whole business

By picking and choosing the most helpful and relevant apps from your platform’s ecosystem, you can quickly build up an entire tech stack that becomes the operational heart of your business.

Whatever your industry, you can create a bespoke business system that does far more than just keeping your bookkeeping in check. With an evolving tech stack, you’re ready to streamline and automate each process and operation, so you end up with a lithe and agile business that’s ready to scale as your business prospers.

Talk to us about maximising your business tech stack

Getting your accounts and compliance done and dusted in the cloud is a great start. But we’d advise digging a little deeper into your cloud accounting platform to really get the best value.

We’ll help you find the most useful apps to add to your tech stack. We’ll also help you get integrated, automated and connected – putting you in complete control of your business.

Get in touch today.

Keeping debt low through proactive credit control

Keeping debt low

Keeping debt low through proactive credit control. 

Having a large amount of debt in your business is bad for cashflow, weakens your overall financial health and brings down your credit score as a business.

So when customers don’t pay on time, that ‘aged debt’ is bad news for your finances. Aged debt can begin to stack up, adding to your liabilities and reducing the health of your overall balance sheet.

The good news is that there are ways to tackle late payment head-on.

Get effective with your credit control

Being proactive with your credit control procedures and debt management helps you speed up payment, reduce your debtor days and rein in your overall debt as a business

To improve the efficiency of your credit control, these strategies help speed up payment processes, reduce debtor days, and maintain a healthier financial status for your business.

Make your payment terms clear

The foundation of effective credit control is clear communication about payment terms. Ensure that your payment conditions are explicitly stated on all invoices. Additionally, incorporate a detailed credit control policy into the terms and conditions your customers agree to. This clarity helps prevent misunderstandings and sets clear expectations from the start.

Run regular debtor reports

Regular reviews of your debtor situation are vital. Run frequent reports to identify which invoices are overdue and which customers are consistently late in payments. Understanding the pattern of late payments allows you to prioritise debt collection efforts effectively.

Be proactive in chasing late payment

Being passive about debt collection is a common pitfall, however it's important to not be shy about asking a customer to pay their bill. Adopt a proactive approach by regularly contacting customers with overdue payments. Set up reminders for yourself to chase late payments, ensuring you are persistent but respectful in your communication.

Automate your credit control tasks 

Technology can significantly streamline your credit control processes. Many cloud accounting platforms offer built-in tools or integrations specifically designed for automated credit control. These systems can automatically send reminders to customers as soon as an invoice becomes overdue, reducing the manual effort required and ensuring timely follow-ups.

Leveraging technology for better credit control

The use of technology in managing credit control cannot be overstated. Automated systems not only save time but also reduce the chance of errors and omissions that can occur with manual processes. These tools ensure that all customers receive consistent communication and that no overdue invoice slips through the cracks.

If late payment and aged debt is weighing heavily on your balance sheet, we’ll help you implement the appropriate apps that support the automated systems, debtor reports and credit control processes needed to reduce debt.

Get in touch to improve your credit control.

Save time and money

7 ways to save time and money in your business

7 ways to save time and money in your business

We all know that time is money. And the quest to find balance between quality and speed can often feel like a never-ending battle.

With this in mind, the emphasis on strategies to save time and money has never been more critical. The good news is, technology offers a variety of solutions designed to streamline operations, reduce costs, and boost productivity.

Below, are 7 ways to help your business save time and money. These insights are not just theoretical; they're actionable strategies that have proven effective across various sectors.

How can technology help?

Here are 7 ways to save time (and money) in your business.

1. Automate your invoicing

While invoicing is a vital part of running your business, it can take up a significant amount of your time. Using a digital/cloud accounting system to extract data from supplier emails and auto-populate your invoices can save hours each week. You can also use cloud accounting systems to set up recurring invoices and timely payment reminders, saving your more time.

2. Simplify your expense claims

If you have a manual expense claims process, implementing a digital automated process means your team will save time submitting receipts, approving expenses and dealing with any mistakes.

3. Reduce human error

It’s well known that manual data entry brings a high risk of error. You can eliminate this risk by automating key manual data entry tasks. And that allows you to spend more time on data analysis so you can make better decisions.

4. Automate approvals

Streamlining your bank reconciliation with an automated platform means you don’t waste time manually approving individual transactions.

5. Up to date payroll

Keep staff details up to date and calculate tax contributions within your accounting software. You’ll save significant chunks of time and you’ll avoid mistakes.

6. Accurate information for tax

Instead of Excel spreadsheets, receipts and physical documents, by using cloud accounting software. the information needed for your accountant to complete your tax is accessible through your software.

7. Better access to business data

With smart software and cloud based apps and add-ons, you get accurate business data wherever and whenever you need it. No more going back to the office to check a number, getting back to clients with final details, or reworking quotes because the numbers were wrong.

Harness the power of technology

At First Class Accounts Ovens & Murray and Busy01 Consulting, we specialise in implementing smart, effective apps and solutions that save time and money. Whether you're looking to automate your invoicing, streamline your expense claims, or gain better access to business data, our team is here to guide you through the process. 

So, if you want to save time(and money) in your business talk to us about setting you up with the right systems.

Review your expenses and save yourself money

Review your expenses and save yourself money

Review your expenses - and save yourself money

Running a business will always mean incurring certain expenses or 'spend'.

Whether you’re a large family business or a small fledgling startup, there will be costs, overheads and supplier bills that mount up – and these expenses will gradually chip away at your cash position, making it more difficult to grow and make a profit.

So, what can you do to reduce your spend levels? And what impact will this have on your overall margins, profits and ability to fund the next stage in your business journey?

Getting proactive with your spend management

Spend management is all about getting in control of your expenses – and, where possible, aiming to reduce the level of costs and overheads that you incur as a company.

Why does this matter? 

Well, excessive spending eats into your cash flow, reduces your profit margins and stops you from achieving the profits that you’re capable of as a business.

So if you can get proactive with your spend management, you can actually make your company a far more financially productive enterprise – and that’s great for your overall business health.

So, what can you do to reduce spend and slim down your company expenses?

Here are some key ways to reduce expenses:

Reduce your overheads

Your overheads are the unavoidable costs of running your business, producing your products or supplying your services.

If you have bricks and mortar premises, these overheads will include rental payments, utility bills and even the cost of paying your staff.

Drill down into the numbers and see where there are opportunities to reduce these overhead costs. That could mean moving to smaller premises, or reducing the size of your workforce, to reduce payroll expenditure.

Put limits on staff expenses

If your employees can claim expenses, or buy raw materials and equipment with the company’s money, these costs can soon start to rack up. It’s a good idea to put a spending limit in place, so each staff member can only spend up to an agreed amount.

Having a clear expenses policy helps, as will training up your staff in good spend management techniques. Expenses cards – such as WebexpensesSoldo or Pleo – allow you to quickly set spend limits, track expenses and pull your expenses data through to your cloud accounting platform for processing.

Look for cheaper suppliers

If you can reduce your supplier costs, this will go a long way to bringing down your overall spend.

If you’ve been with certain key suppliers for years, look around for new quotes, look at current market prices and see if you can negotiate better deals. And if your old suppliers aren’t flexible enough, try swapping to newer, more eager suppliers who will be willing to meet you in the middle on price.

Make your operations leaner

The bigger your operational costs are, the less margin you’ll make on your end products and services.

One way to resolve this is to aim for a ‘lean approach’, paring back your staff, resources and operational complexity to the bare minimum.

By making the business as lean as possible, whilst still delivering the same output, you keep your revenue stable, but reduce the spend level that’s eating into your cost of goods sold (COGS). The smaller your COGS, the more profit you make on each unit or sale – and that means better cash flow, more working capital and bigger profits.

Talk to us about improving your spend management

If you’d like to get in control of your expenses, we’d love to chat.

We’ll review your current costs, run forecasting, and help highlight the key areas where expenses can be cut. Then we’ll help you formulate a proactive spend management programme, to reduce your unnecessary spending.

Data regulation and ticking the right compliance boxes

Data regulation and ticking the right compliance boxes

Data regulation and ticking the right compliance boxes

Your business faces an increasingly complex regulatory landscape when it comes to data privacy, consumer protection and industry-specific compliance requirements.

Keeping on top of these compliance requirements is a complex task. Failing to meet your requirements can have serious implications, with non-compliance (whether intentional or accidental) resulting in legal repercussions and possible reputational damage for the company.

Taking excellent care of your customer data

We live in a digital world, where your organisation collects huge amounts of data from your customers. This includes contact details, financial information, credit card details and detailed breakdowns of their spending habits and buying preferences.

In an effort to protect this data and preserve customer privacy, there are various data regulations that you must comply with.

A sample of these global data privacy laws include:

Depending on your organisation's home territory, and where you trade, there may well be international, national and local data regulations to comply with. That’s a lot to get your head around, especially if you’re new to business and not familiar with the legal framework.

So, what can you do to make your compliance journey simpler and as effective as possible?

Here are five simple steps to enhance your compliance:

Work closely with legal advisers

Navigating compliance can be complex without legal expertise. Consulting legal professionals provides clarity on specific obligations relevant to your industry and region. They can guide you through the intricacies of laws such as GDPR, ensuring you understand how these regulations affect your business operations.

Run regular compliance audits

It’s important to conduct regular risk assessments of your in-house data compliance. These audits help your organisation stay in line with all relevant regulations and industry standards. They also keep you abreast of any changes in compliance laws. By regularly reviewing your processes, you can identify potential risks and take steps to mitigate them before they become issues.

Protect your customer data

Your customers expect you to take good care of their data, both personal and financial. Secure your customer and business data through end-to-end encryption and use of the best data privacy practices. Implementing robust security measures like end-to-end encryption and following best data privacy practices is crucial. This involves more than just securing data against external threats; it also includes internal policies to prevent data misuse.

Deliver regular training and keep your employees up to speed

Your team needs to know the latest rules around compliance and what’s required of them. This means running frequent compliance training, so there’s a culture of compliance awareness. By keeping your employees updated, you minimise the risk of inadvertent non-compliance and empower your staff to handle data responsibly.

Use the latest data storage solutions

With so much customer data being generated, it’s important to use up-to-date documentation management and data storage software. These solutions keep your records and data secure, organised, and readily accessible. They also facilitate compliance by ensuring data is stored and managed according to legal requirements.

A team effort

Getting a grip on data compliance is a team effort. It’s important to work with legal, IT and data security professionals to ensure your organisation is ticking all the correct compliance boxes.

By following these steps, your business is more likely to not only comply with current regulations but is also prepared for future changes in the legal landscape. It's about safeguarding your business from legal repercussions and strengthening your reputation as a trustworthy and responsible operator in the eyes of your customers and industry peers.

As your bookkeeper and payroll service providers we can connect you with experts in all the relevant compliance areas, so you get the advice, support and training you need as an organisation. Get in touch

over-automation. The need for a human touch

Is there such a thing as over-automation? The need for a human touch

Is there such a thing as over-automation? 

The need for a human touch

Automating your key systems is the way to turn your enterprise into a 21st century, digital business. But are we getting carried away with automation? And could we be systemising areas which could benefit from a more personalised, human touch?

Personalisation of the customer experience is vital. Automation can play a big part in creating targeted, data-based personalisation for each customer. But not everyone loves automation.

36% of customers in a recent survey would rather wait on hold to speak to a human agent when they have an issue, rather than interacting with an AI-powered virtual assistant to self-serve.

So, how do you get the balance right between automation and a genuine human touch?

A big part of offering a top-notch customer experience (CX) is having direct, personal human interactions with your customers. So, which tasks should you be automating? And which should you leave for your human team to deal with?

Here are a few ways to get the automation/human balance right:

Automate your basic admin tasks

Most of us hate the tedious, time-consuming admin tasks. With smart use of software tools and customised AI assistants you can quickly automate things like onboarding new customers, answering basic FAQs or sending out reminders and notifications to your customers.

Automate your key finance tasks

Many of the current crop of cloud accounting platforms have automation and artificial intelligence tools built in as standard. These tools help you automate your invoicing process, the collection of customer payments and the matching of transactions for your bank reconciliation process. This makes your bookkeeping and cashflow more effective and delivers real-time financial data.

Don't automate the whole customer journey

Customers want efficiency but not impersonal automation throughout their entire customer journey. 77% of customers say they’re more loyal to businesses that offer top-notch service – and being able to speak to a human agent can be a big part of personalising and humanising these interactions.

Make your people integral to your brand

The personality and experience of your people is vital to your brand identity and your CX. Have as many human interactions with customers as possible and tailor your interactions in the most personalised way.

Don't put efficiency over and above having a human face

People buy from other people. Because of this, having a human touch is vital for delivering a top-class CX to your customers. You can have a slick, automated buying experience when it adds convenience, but don't remove people entirely from your offering. Without humans, you have a software process, not a real, living, breathing business.

Talk to us about keeping the humanity in your automation.

There’s no denying that automation and smart use of AI will be vital for creating an efficient and productive digital business. But it’s important to never discount the importance of people, human interactions and real customer relationships when building and growing your business.

How automation streamlines your business

How automation streamlines your business

How automation streamlines your business

How can business automation streamline your business? Business automation uses technology to streamline and simplify all the repetitive manual tasks, processes and workflows that are part of the everyday running of your business.

Instead of spending hours of business time doing everything manually, automated systems can take on most of the heavy lifting.

You can automate the data-entry of your bookkeeping, the sending of recurring invoices or the coding of transactions when doing your bank reconciliation – basically, any task that’s repetitive, rule-based and taking up your time.

Automation makes your processes faster, more accurate and more efficient. This frees up your time to focus on other important strategic and customer-facing tasks. It also means you can get more work done in less time, making the business more productive and profitable.

How does business automation affect your business?

Smart use of automation can give your small business a major boost.

Instead of having to hire more people, you can grow the business and significantly reduce the admin workload for your existing human team. It’s the easiest way to set the foundations for scaling up the company.

By automating key areas of your operation, you can:

  • Streamline your workflows – business automation optimises your processes by automating tasks like data entry, payment collection and approval workflows. This reduces the manual effort that’s involved and boosts your operational efficiency.

    Online bookkeeping applications, such as Xero, can take on the time-consuming task of data entry for your financial records. They allow for the seamless organisation and tracking of income, expenses, and other financial transactions.
  • Improve your process accuracy – automation cuts down on human errors by applying rules consistently and precisely. This means your financial calculations are more accurate, data is of a higher quality and the company has better compliance standards.
  • Save time and resources – all those tedious, repetitive manual tasks are now automated. This frees up valuable time for you and your team to focus on strategic activities, innovation and working more closely with your customers.
  • Become more cost-efficient – automation cuts back the labour costs that usually go hand-in-hand with manual tasks. You’re more productive, your operational costs are reduced and you don’t need any additional staff to grow the business.
  • Scale your business with ease – as your small business expands, automated systems are the special sauce that helps you scale up as quickly as possible. You can effortlessly meet the increased workload, grow your systems and stay agile and adaptable – two of the key skills for any ambitious business that’s looking for fast growth.

How can our firm help you with business automation?

Working automation into your business strategy is the fastest way to achieve your key goals.

With your main tasks and processes automated, you have a sleek, systemised business to drive your growth. And we’re always here to help you maximise this use of automation. We’ll help you review your operations to look for the automation opportunities – and can implement the most effective apps to add into your tech stack.

If you’d like to know more about the benefits of automation, we’ll be happy to explain.

5 ways to ensure you get paid on time

5 ways to ensure you get paid on time

Worrying whether customers will pay you on time is a continual concern for business owners.

Late payment can lead to cashflow issues, unpaid supplier bills and the need to dip into your own pocket to cover your operational expenses. If you can improve the speed and likelihood of customers paying on time, that's good news for your accounts receivable targets and the company's overall liquidity and cashflow position.

Speeding up payment times

A sale is not a sale until the customer has actually paid you. Whether you’re an online business taking payment through your website, or a B2B company that sends out monthly invoices, you need the comfort of knowing that payment will be fast, smooth and frictionless.

Here are 5 tips for making sure that customers pay you as seamlessly as possible:

For eCommerce businesses, offer payment gateways to simplify payment.

When a customer gets through to your checkout, it’s vital to make payment as easy as possible.

Some customers may prefer to pay on a card. But offering a choice of payment gateways gives the customer more options. Instead of forcing customers down one route include payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

For companies using e-invoicing, put payment buttons on your electronic invoices

If you send out e-invoices to your customers, including payment buttons makes settling your bill as easy as clicking that button.

A payment button that’s linked directly to Paypal or Stripe removes several steps from the payment process. It’s straightforward and quick, getting you your cash without the hassle of BACs payments or transfers.

For businesses offering subscription services, automate those customer payments

When you’re offering a recurring, monthly service, you don’t want the hassle of sending out those invoices and getting involved in cash collection.

Think about automating the creation of recurring invoices in your accounting software, and get your customers to sign up to a Direct Debit platform, like GoCardless. Money is taken automatically on a pre-agreed date and the transaction matched in your accounts.

For retail companies, use card readers that sync with your accounting software

If you’re running a busy cafe or retail space, your customers just want to tap their card and go.

Integrating your card reader with your cloud accounting software removes all the tedious data entry and adding up of receipts. With a direct API between your POS card reader and your accounting platform, all the data is shared automatically.

For all B2B businesses, send your invoices out as early as possible

The sooner you issue an invoice, the sooner the due date will come around.

 If you’re working on a project basis, split the fee up into chunks and invoice out at key milestones throughout the project. It’s also a good idea to make your payment terms clear and enforceable on every invoice.

Payment within 14 to 30 days from the invoice date is a good standard to aim for (though 60 days, or even 90 days, is possible in some industries).

Fast payments improve your cashflow position and remove the need for time-consuming and stressful debtor chasing. By following these five tips, your customers have the smoothest route to paying you, and you get the cash that’s owed to your ASAP.

Talk to us about speeding up your payment times

We’ll help you review your payment process and cash collection to look for the main areas where you can make improvements. We can also integrate appropriate Apps for your business that can help you get paid on time.

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