Testimonials - what our clients say about working with First Class Accounts Ovens and Murray and Busy01 Consulting Consulting


Giving you confidence in our services

Here's what a few of our clients say about working with us. 

I just want to take this opportunity to personally thankyou for yours and Karlie’s wonderful support and help throughout the year.

The recovery work you have achieved for our company has no doubt put our company in a good spot and I cannot thank you enough, well done to you, Karli and Jo.

Both Wendy, myself and our staff wish you all and your families a safe and wonderful Christmas break and look forward to the new year where we start again, THANKS.

Stephen Norris, Managing Director

Congratulations to you and the team of First Class Accounts.

I know in the short time we have worked with Melissa, yourself and the team we have been absolutely impressed with the support we have receive and if this is a reflection of the entire business I’m not surprised you’ve picked up franchise of the year.

Well done and I’m sure there will be more to come.

Rick Huriwai, CEO

In relation to winning the First Class Accounts Franchisee of the Year

Having First Class Accounts provide
full bookkeeping services, including
payroll, while I took my long service
leave to travel to Europe, gave peace
of mind knowing that all tasks would
be completed professionally and

I’m going to take more holidays now,
knowing that I can call on First Class
Accounts to keep the bookkeeping
tasks on track – especially payroll!”

Leanne Wilson